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Jost Font FamilynUBCG天下
OTF, TTF | 3.4 MbnUBCG天下

When Paul Renner designed Futura in 1927 it looked chic and ahead of its time. The great design is due, in part, to Heinrich Jost, who was instrumental in realizing Paul Renner’s ideas. Futura is dazzling in its simplicity, welcoming in its rationality. It’s simple and beautiful. Many fonts find the spotlight for a time, but Futura has remained as relevant and innovative as it was when it was created 90 years ago.nUBCG天下
Jost* aims to keep the attitude of Futura rather than the exact design. Futura was designed to be functional in its day, and in that spirit, Jost* aims to be as functional as possible in the digital era. For that reason it deviates from the exact designs of Paul Renner, favoring, for example, a larger x-height or more balanced capital forms. It also includes some features which would have not be possible in the era of Futura.nUBCG天下
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